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What is The Obsession Method Program?

The Obsession Method is a crazy mind hack that allows you to make any girl feel crazy attraction and lust towards you without any weird tactics.

It's "secret language" that will make any woman feel an uncontrollable lust for

you and only you.

This highly secretive “encrypted language” will allow you to psychologically hack into a woman’s brain

And as a give you complete control over how much she desires you…

…even if she has a boyfriend, says she hates your guts, or tells you that she “only sees you as a friend” …

And this “secret language” is so easy to use that even the most average-looking guy can use it to ignite powerful lust fantasies inside any woman’s mind…

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The Obsesson Method is a Shortcut

Before I created The Obsession Method - I was struggling to attract women I liked for years and was on the verge of giving up.

I was trying any way to attract women and land dates with them but kept getting turned down.

I got myself a depressing dateless life I never signed up for.

Which led me to questioning everything and eventually turning my entire approach upside down, breaking all the rules and freeing me from the chains of the old ways.

After several years of trial-and-error, testing everything and figuring things out the hard way - without anyone guiding me I've finally reached a point where I am able to attract any woman I want....

Now, you have the opportunity to duplicate the entire OBSESSION METHOD program I built by getting access to our program called THE OBSESSION METHOD.

It Creates a Desire so INSANELY Powerful

…that she’ll be dreaming about you all day long, craving you like she’s never been in love before , and waiting until the day that she gets to wrap her legs around you, begging you to be hers … now how sweet would that feel?

So if you’re reading this right now, then do NOT leave this page, because I’m only going to leave this article up for a day or two…

….and if you read until the end, I’ll GIVE you the keys to this “secret language” that will make hot women stare at you…

…and chase you down for a date , a relationship , or whatever your heart desires. 😉


Complete Obsession Method Program

Learn the Secret Body Language Hacks to Get Women to Throw Themselves at You.

3 FREE Fast Action Bonuses

Seductive Texting Module 

In this module, I’ll teach you EXACTLY the type of texts you need to send to her to get her turned on, wanting you, and craving you.

Make Her Approach You Module

Imagine walking into the grocery store and you see a really cute girl shopping in the dairy section… she looks at you and IMMEDIATELY you can tell she’s intrigued.

Seductive Wordology Module

In this module, I’ll teach you little known secrets that most men will NEVER know about creating “conversational attraction”…


Here's How I Went [DESCRIBE YOUR 'BEFORE' SCENARIO] To [DESCRIBE YOUR NEW SCENARIO] By Ignoring The Common Wisdom, Breaking All The Rules, And Turning The [YOUR MARKET/AUDIENCE] Model Upside Down 

 This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You've
Ever Heard of Before - Read The Story Below To Discover The [INSERT PRODUCT NAME]

But first, I gotta warn you…

What I’m about to reveal is based on REAL Harvard research

…and you could use this scientific language to really mess a girl’s head…

In fact, some of the guys I’ve taught this language to have been using it to psychologically ruin a girl.

 This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You've
Ever Heard of Before - Read Below To Discover the Top 3 "secret body language" tips.

Dear Future Obsession Method Owner

From: The laptop of Kate Spring

Re: Want Any Girl You Want to say "Yes"? (This is your Golden Key)

Would it surprise you to learn, that I used these same methods to 10x my own dating life and get any girl that I want using the EXACT information revealed in this program?


You should be. 

After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet :-) 

so What is This Secret language?

But first, read this disclaimer:

I have the benefit of dating HUNDREDS of women.

The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to how open minded you are, your ability to follow directions and most IMPORTANTLY.... your effort and how bad you want to make this work.

All purchases entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action.
If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS PROGRAM.

And yes, it took me time and energy to achieve my results.

With that said … let me jump right in and show you...

And I Did It By Using A Completely Counterintuitive Model That I’m About To Share With You On This Very Page…

The same Obsession model that men from all over the world are now using to talk to ANY girl they want…

...And in turn seduce girl they want and land dates faster than ever before and ...

...All while not having to deal with rejections so they can focus on WHAT THEY WANT...

...And best of all not go home frustrated while other men can have any girl they want.

Just Like John, Who Downloaded The Obsession Method Program A Few Months Ago And Soon After was able to Attract the Women He wanted

And even though getting as triple the women to talk to him, that's not the best part...

The best part is they are actually INTERESTED in talking to John

That's right, they feel this unexplainable attraction towards him...

And John isn’t the only one either…

This Is Michael, Another Obsession Method Member, Who Downloaded The Obsession Method Program Not Too Long Ago…

Both John and Michael are From a group of over Thousands of Men who have learned Secrets of The Obsession Method and are Seducing the Women They Want…

And you can BET...

The Obsession Method Program is unlike any method you heard of before…

…This is something completely different, because…

  • We don’t come up with cheesy pick-up lines

  • We don’t chase after women

  • We don’t spend thousands of dollars buying them gifts

  • We don’t beg women to go out with us

  • We don’t focus on one woman

In fact: we rarely (if ever) chase after women we want.....

Instead We Use the Obsession Method...

Like I said…

This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for you…

…and I know that’s true…

Because it changed everything for me.

The Obsession Method Program allowed me to get rid of 99% of all the BS that I hated when it comes to attracting the women I wanted…

…So What Is This Secret Language?

What I’m about to reveal to you is something that most men will never know…

….and it’s that BODY LANGUAGE holds the absolute key to making that woman you adore so badly THROW herself at you…

….and I’ll prove it to ya in just a second.

But first I’m going to cut through BS and reveal the top 3 “secret body language” tips that will make a woman feel an INSTANT attraction for you…

And I promise you, once you start using these secret ‘body language’ tips, you’re going to be seen as 10 times more desirable to even the hottest girls.

Tip 1: is to look at a woman’s lips when she’s talking to you… but only for 2 seconds at time…and no more than 8 seconds apart

By staring at one of her most intimate body parts, you will flood her brain with seductive ideas that will make her fantasize about you…

…and if you do it right, she’ll be craving to kiss you by the end of the night. More on this later…

Tip 2: Is To Touch a Girl Every Time She Laughs…

….ever heard of Pavlov’s theory?

This psychological hack will make almost any girl drop her panties for you.

Pavlov’s theory states that animals can be conditioned to react to certain “cues”… just like how you wake up to an alarm clock.

So by touching a girl WHILE she’s laughing or smiling, you’re forcing her to mentally associate your touch with feelings of fun and excitement.

Knowing this little secret will make a girl to feel a sense of obsessive desire for you for as long as you want…

…and you will make her psychologically addicted to you.

All you’ll have to do is sit back, relax, and watch as a woman begins chasing you like a lust-crazed animal.

Now, before I get to my third tip, I have to tell you a crazy story to help explain it…

Because if you’re anything like my friend James, then you can relate to how frustrated dating can be…

…and for his case, sometimes shockingly devastating

James was the kind of guy who was doing EVERYTHING he could… but the guy was just 5’4’’ and skinny as heck. And as much as he tried to act confident and do everything he could to land a date, he fell short every time.

Every day, James would come into work and stare with lust at my girlfriend Ashley… she was the kind of attractive girl that every guy has a crush.

She had long, auburn hair, sexy blue eyes, legs for days, and the tightest butt I had ever seen … she was so hot, even *I* thought about banging her.

James blushed as he confessed to me how much of a crush he had on Ashley. He told me how nervous he was when he was around her… and how happy he’d be if he even just got one date with her…

That is… until one day he DID… and then experienced something that will make your jaw drop.

It was two days before our Christmas staff party, and I convinced James to ask Ashley out to the party as a date. To everyone’s shock (including mine), she said “yes”!

(But everyone knew she only agreed out of pity).

James was over the moon – he couldn’t stop asking me what he should wear, what kind of flowers to bring, and what to say to her to make her like him.

I could see him shaking with excitement, as if he had just won the jackpot at the casino!

When the big night finally came, everyone was anxious to see how their date would go… and everyone hoped that James would get a little action too…

Throughout the whole entire night, James kept trying to be the perfect guy – opening doors for her, buying her drinks, and doing everything he could to be that
“Mr. Right”…

the kind of guy women fantasize about in the movies.

But as the night wore on, I could tell that something deeply troubling was going on…

The more he tried to impress Ashley, the more she began getting distant and pulling away … and the less interested she seemed in him… until one moment, she got fed up and left to “go to the bathroom.”

10 minutes pass and James began to panic… “Where did she go?” he asked me.

I could tell in his eyes that he was deeply worried that he’d blown it … flustered, he got up and began frantically searching for her.

And as you’ll discover in a second…

This was a BIG mistake.

After about 20 minutes, he gave up and sauntered to the back alley to get some fresh air… but what he walked in on made his lungs collapse.

He saw Ashley, bent over on the railing, and being railed by our a-hole of a boss, Derek … And she was loving every second of it. It took James a moment to realize what was happening.

He froze. He saw how much it looked like she was enjoying herself… and how she moaned with every thrust Derek took.

James dropped his beer and it shattered on the ground… which scared the hell out of Ashley and Derek.

“What the HELL, James…get the hell outta here!” screamed Ashley.

James ran around the corner and felt a wave of nausea and anger… he left the party, and then disappeared for days.

He didn’t show up for work… and didn’t answer any text messages.

Just radio silence… we thought James died.

And we couldn’t help but feel sorry for him…

My maternal instincts kicked in and I felt this strong desire to do whatever I could to help James… to help him just solve this stupid dating problem once and for all.

I discovered a ‘secret language’ that only the female brain can interpret…

…a language that covertly takes control of the sexual control center of her brain , and makes her do almost anything you want her to.

It’s more powerful than just using a few pick-up lines or just ‘acting confidently’… no, what I’m talking about is BODY LANGUAGE.

You’ve probably heard that 93% of all human communication is non-verbal.

And this makes complete sense if you think about it – men have been seducing women for thousands of years… and if you go back far enough, verbal languages like “English” and “Japanese” didn’t exist.

Yet, seduction and reproduction still continued otherwise you wouldn’t even BE here...

And what I discovered was men that were so attractive (to the point that they actually CONTROLLED the women they talked to) shared common body language signals…

Signals so powerful, that they force any woman to bat her eyes at you, lick her lips, and stare at you with those hungry “I want you right now! ” eyes.

In a sense, attractive men SPOKE a secret language that less attractive men couldn’t.

And when you use this secret language in conjunction with my verbal signals later on in this video, it’s literally beyond a woman’s control.

She has to respond to you and she HAS to feel an attraction for you. When you use this technique on her, you directly access the animal brain that MAKES her horny and feeling ‘in love’…and these feelings happen even if she isn’t into you.

This ‘language’ is literally the product of years of the most advanced scientific behavioral research…

Ready to learn the shocking ending to James’s story?

So after 6 days of James calling in “sick” to work, I went to his apartment… Amazingly, he let me in… and when I walked into his apartment, it was a mess …

It just smelled like soiled underwear.

I saw him playing Call of Duty in his boxers and he looked like he hadn’t showered for days. I decided to cut straight to the point with him.

“I know how you can make girls want you… and how to make them feel the kind of desire that they have for famous celebrities 10x more handsome than you.”

That caught his attention… but then he quickly looked defeated again.

“I’ve got no money. I’m not super smart or good looking… Nothing’s going to help me.”

That night, I sat down with him and taught him the EXACT same kind of techniques I taught you at the beginning of this video.

He sounded skeptical of the advice, but since he had nothing to lose, he started going out and using these covert body language techniques on women… women that used to be out of his league.

He used these techniques on Sally, a hot redheaded barista at the Starbucks around the corner.

And within 10 minutes of chit chat, she gave James her number… and practically begged him for a date.

He used the same techniques a week later on cute ‘nerdy’ girl at the boardgame cafe, and within a week’s worth of coffee dates, he actually slept with her(and KEPT sleeping with her until he was sick of her).

He later used this messed up technique to bag the super hot accountant that worked on the 3rd floor… after he used this technique, she was putty in his hands… and he made her his girlfriend within a month.

Excited by his success, I began teaching men how to transform their way of communicating with women, and the results will make your jaw drop

I developed the most scientifically advanced program that teaches men EXACTLY how to make stunningly hot “10’s” find you

irresistibly attractive

How to make them crave you in a way that no other man can…

…and make them OBSESS over you to the point of no return.

It doesn’t matter if you’re skinny, short, fat, bald, old…if you want a girlfriend or just want to get laid.

This step-by-step program has been honed and fine-tuned to work for almost any guy that gets access to it.

So if you’ve ever wanted that kind of power over women that makes your friends JEALOUS with ENVY… then what I’m about to teach you will literally transform your world upside down.

So without further ado … I give you…

The Obsession Method

This is the most advanced, scientifically-validated seduction

program in the world.

There hasn’t been a program laid out like this before…it covers everything.

That means this will work for the oldest, dumbest, and poorest guy… and if you think you’re just average, then this secret method will make hot women spread their legs for you even FASTER.

Who wouldn’t want THAT kind of domination and control over a woman?

And it’s the only program that has REAL science and research injected into its DNA… but that doesn’t mean it’s hard to use.

Now, if you’re here right now, that means you saw an email, clicked on an ad, or watched one of my YouTube videos to get here…

If so, then you’re one of the lucky few who I’ve opened this program up to. See, this online program is BRAND NEW and I’m only opening up some slots to a few very lucky guys.

here's what else you're going to discover in the The Obsession Method Program....


I’ll teach you exactly when and how to make a move… when to ask her out, when to go for the kiss, and when to escalate to full out lust. You’ll never make a mistake and get rejected.


I’ll teach you exactly when and how to make a move… when to ask her out, when to go for the kiss, and when to escalate to full out sex. You’ll never make a mistake and get rejected.


I’ll teach you my “Spring Seduction System” that will make a girl horny and wanting you. Very few guys really know how to do this…


I’ll teach you exactly when and how to make a move… when to ask her out, when to go for the kiss, and when to escalate to full out sex. You’ll never make a mistake and get rejected.


How to make her feel a deep desire for you… the type of desire that makes her obsess over you for as long as you want.


The 3 kinds of text messages that turn her on and BEG you to meet with her.


I’ll teach you a special story that you can tell any girl to make her feel a deep and subconscious desire for you.


How to keep her COMMITTED to you and interested in you so that she dreams about marrying you.


You’ll learn my “Subliminal Seduction” technique… this is a simple body language tactic that will make a woman want to sleep with you instantly.

The 3 kinds of text messages that turn her on and BEG you to meet with her.

This Won’t Last Long

Now I could go on for a hours about what’s covered in The Obsession Method and I still wouldn’t even be scratching the surface.

This program is so comprehensive and complete that there literally has been nothing else like it before…

…and it’s been so powerful and effective for the men that have used it, but don’t take my words for it… listen to what these guys have to say.

I could go on for 100 hours with stories about how my Obsession Method has worked for countless guys out there, but I know you’re curious yourself…

You’re curious if my Obsession Method will be as effective and easy for you as it was for those guys…and I can answer that!

YES, it is.

Everything I’ve laid out in my system is so DEAD EASY that even the dumbest guys I’ve taught have used these techniques to get laid ON REPEAT.

And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to order, so with that in mind...

P.S. Remember, the Obsession Method comes with The BEST Money-Back Guarantee in the World.

Download it, read it, implement it, get results. 

And if you’re not happy for any reason (and I mean ANY reason) - just let me know and we’ll refund you!

The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World

Here's What's Included In The System

Precision Tactics

I’ll teach you exactly when and how to make a move… when to ask her out, when to go for the kiss, and when to escalate to full out lust. You’ll never make a mistake and get rejected.


You’ll learn my “Direction Approach” which will make a girl instantly interested in you the moment you meet her.


I’ll teach you my “Spring Seduction System” that will make a girl wanting you. Very few guys really know how to do this…


The secret body language tactic that makes her want to sleep with you TONIGHT.


How to make her feel a deep desire for you… the type of desire that makes her obsess over you for as long as you want .


The 3 kinds of text messages that turn her on and BEG you to meet with her.


I’ll teach you a special story that you can tell any girl to make her feel a deep and subconscious desire for you.


How to keep her COMMITTED to you and interested in you so that she dreams about marrying you .


You’ll learn my “Subliminal Seduction” technique… this is a simple body language language tactic that will make a woman want to sleep with you instantly .

Only $69.95 Today

(Save $259 today) - Thats Over 70% off!

Get Access To The Program For $329 Just $69.95!

Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.

Available For Instant Access

Included Bonuses

Bonus 1: Seductive Texting Module 

In this module, I’ll teach you EXACTLY the type of texts you need to send to her to get her turned on, wanting you, and craving you.

Bonus 2: Make Her Approach You

In this module, I’ll teach you little known secrets that most men will NEVER know about creating “conversational attraction”…

Bonus 3: Seductive Wordsmith

In this module, I’ll teach you little known secrets that most men will NEVER know about creating “conversational attraction”…

Here's Everything You're Getting 
For Only $69.95 Today

Included With Your Order

Bonus 1: Seductive Texting Module 

In this module, I’ll teach you EXACTLY the type of texts you need to send to her to get her turned on, wanting you, and craving you.

Included With Your Order

Bonus 2: Make Her Approach You

In this module, I’ll teach you little known secrets that most men will NEVER know about creating “conversational attraction”…

Included With Your Order

Bonus 3: Seductive Wordsmith

In this module, I’ll teach you little known secrets that most men will NEVER know about creating “conversational attraction”…

Access the program directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start implementing right away.

Only $259 $69.95 Today

(Save $259 today) 

Get Access To The Program For $329 Just $69.95!

Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.

Don't keep burying yourself in YouTube Video and articles about talking to women.

Grab the Obsession Method, learn the tactics and take action. You will thank yourself later!

Nick Notas

DISCLAIMER: This is not an endorsement from Nick Notas

Remember If You Register Today, You're Also Getting...


Seductive Text Module

Regularly Sold for $497

But if you purchase the Obsession Method today...

You're getting this for FREE!

I know you guys have ALL been there…

You’re alone, lying in bed at night but all you can think about is how you can get that SUPER cute co-worker out on a date and into your bed…

Well, with this module, I’ll teach you EXACTLY the type of texts you need to send to her to get her turned on , wanting you , and craving you.


Make Her Approach You

Regularly Sold for $297

But if you purchase the Obsession Method today...

You're getting this for FREE!

I want you to imagine this for a second…

Imagine walking into the grocery store and you see a really cute girl shopping in the dairy section… she looks at you and IMMEDIATELY you can tell she’s intrigued.

She eyes you, smiles, finds a reason to get close to you and says, “Hey, what’s up?”

There are certain body language cues that you can use to psychologically compel a girl to approach YOU… that’s right, you don’t have to feel the pain of getting rejected anymore.


Seductive Wordsmith

Regularly Sold for $397

But if you purchase the Obsession Method today...

You're getting this for FREE!

Have you ever chatted up with a girl you really like…

…and you REALLY wanted to impress her, but you hit a brick WALL and couldn’t think of anything funny or cool to say?

That’s where “Seductive Wordsmith” comes in.

In this module, I’ll teach you little known secrets that most men will NEVER know about creating “conversational attraction”…

… All of these bonuses are FREE and INCLUDED in my Obsession Method system.

If you were to buy all of these bonuses individually, PLUS my Obsession Method system, you would be paying well over $2200… but listen up…

Normally, the price of my program goes for $247… and at that price I had guys fighting tooth and nail to gain access to it.

But again, today, I’m running a special promotion that will ensure that you leave today with the most powerful “female brain hacking” system known to man…

Today, you’re not going to pay $247. You’re not even going to pay $147.

If you register today, you get everything you see here for just ONE, SINGLE payment of $69.95.

And another thing…Once we get enough men to fill out the first 1000 spots, we are going to close this promotion. That might happen tomorrow or it might happen weeks from now… I have no idea.

So if you’re even a little bit interested, you have to register today… because if you come back tomorrow and you see the regular $247 price, do NOT email me asking for the promotional price.

You won’t get it.

And remember… your purchase has a 60 day, “no questions asked” money back guarantee.

So if for whatever reason my system doesn’t work for you, just e-mail me for a quick refund.

So here’s how I see it…

You pretty much just have 2 choices.

You could close this window and walk away. Sure, you’ll still might be able to figure out your dating life… but you’ll never really experience how powerful, seductive, and attractive you could really be…

And never reach your potential… or…

You could click the “GET ACCESS NOW” button below

and get started…

And experience the power to make 9’s and 10’s feel an

intense desire for you. The choice is yours.

$2,200 of Actionable value!

For Only $69.95

Obsession Method Program

Obsession Method Program ($997 Value)

This is the most advanced, scientifically validated seduction system in the world.
(complete with video course and book)

Bonus #1

Seductive Text Module 

($497 Value)

I’ll teach you EXACTLY the type of texts you need to send to her to get her turned on, wanting you, and craving you. (ebook)

Bonus #2

Make Her Approach You

($297 Value)

There are certain body language cues that you can use to psychologically compel a girl to approach YOU… (ebook)

Bonus #3

Seductive Wordsmith 

($397 Value)

I’ll teach you little known secrets that most men will NEVER know about creating “conversational attraction”… (ebook)

PS. All you have to do to get started is click the “Add to Cart” button below. You can begin using my breakthrough attraction system RIGHT NOW… and you can immediately make that girl you’ve been fantasizing about YOURS. You’ll learn exactly what you need to know to fill her brain with thoughts of lust, sexual desire, and obsession for you… and maybe, who knows? Maybe you’ll finally find that one special girl that you want to marry…that you want to ACTUALLY spend the rest of your life with? The one special girl you know is better than the rest… the one you KNOW you’re not settling for?

PPS. Remember, you have a full 60 days to try this breakthrough system WITHOUT ANY RISK. Literally all the risk is on me! If you don’t like the system, all it takes is one email and you get all of your money back.

PPPS. Now look… I could go on for HOURS and HOURS about how my system is going to help you get laid or find a girlfriend, but the only way you’re going to be able to know is if you try the system out yourself. So please, please, PLEASE just click the “Add to Cart” button and I’ll see you inside the member’s zone! I can’t WAIT for you to share with me your exciting success story about how you’ve been able to skyrocket your dating and love life…just by using my system. See you inside, player!

Regular Price: $329

One Time Payment of $69.95

 Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Obsession Method?

The Obsession Method is a comprehensive relationship program created by renowned dating coach Kate Spring.  It reveals simple techniques and tips proven to tap into the female psychology and build attraction and romantic desire. The Obsession Method has helped tens of thousands of men use easy-to-implement skills to build attraction and achieve their relationship goals.

The Obsession Method program is 100% online, meaning there are no shipping fees and the entire program is available immediately after ordering.

All orders are backed by Kate Spring’s unconditional 60-day money back guarantee.

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Who is Kate Spring?

Kate Spring is a renowned men’s attraction & dating coach from Canada.  For years, Kate has been working with men from around the world, helping them to become bonafide “ladies men” and achieving their relationship goals.

Kate’s hugely popular YouTube channel boasts over 130,000 subscribers and tens of millions of views.  Kate is also a regular contributor to a variety of journals and online publications.

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Will you mail the program to my house?

No, The Obsession Method is 100% online, and customers do not receive any physical items.  This means that there are absolutely no shipping fees, and the entire program is available immediately after ordering.

The program can be viewed online (with no downloads required), or it can be downloaded to any computer or mobile device for offline viewing.

Can I access the program on my phone/tablet?

Yes, the entire program is 100% mobile-optimized and will work on any computer, tablet, or mobile device.

How much does The Obsession Method cost?

The ClickBank order form may display pricing in your local currency (i.e. the currency exchange-rate equivalent to $69.95 USD in your local currency).  You may choose to pay in US dollars or your local currency.

How does your 60-day guarantee work?

Unconditional 60-day money back guarantee, allowing you to try the program risk-free for up to 2 months.

We are committed to 100% customer satisfaction. If you decide the program is not right for you, simply contact us at any time within 60 days for a full refund.

How do I find my ClickBank order number?

When you signed up for The Obsession Method, you were provided a unique 8-digit ClickBank order number, which you may be asked to provide in order to verify your order.

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Orders of The Obsession Method are handled by ClickBank, one of the world’s leading online retailers. ClickBank accepts payments from customers in over 130 countries, and allows customers to pay via any major credit card or through your bank account (via PayPal).

If your order is being “declined”, there are several possible reasons:

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If you continue to have problems with your order, please use the contact form on this page to request further assistance. Thank you for your understanding!

I ordered The Obsession Method. How do I Access the Program?

Please check your email inbox and look for the ClickBank confirmation email that contains details of your order.  Look for the Obsession Method section of this email (usually the first item listed) and click the large green button titled “Download or Access Your Product”.

Clicking this button will take you to a webpage where you’ll be shown your Members Zone login details (username/password).  Then, simply click “Continue” to proceed to the Members Zone and begin working through the program (detailed instructions on how to open/download the program are provided on each page).

If you already know your Members Zone username and password, click here to go to the Members Zone homepage and enter your login details.  After logging in, simply click the program component you want to access.

If you do not have the ClickBank confirmation email, or if your Members Zone login details are not working, please use the form on this page to contact support and we’ll be happy to assist you further.  (Please provide your order number and details of the issue you’re experiencing in your message.)

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I don't know my Members Zone username/password.

your Members Zone account login details immediately upon registering for Obsession Method, please check your email inbox and look for the receipt email from ClickBank (see screenshot below).  Once you locate this email, click on the green “Access or Download Your Product” button, and you will be taken to a webpage displaying your Members Zone username and password.

If you have already done this and continue to have problems logging in — or you’ve lost your login details and/or can’t locate the ClickBank receipt email in your inbox, please fill out the contact form on this page and we’ll be happy to help.

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Can I open the program on my phone, tablet or e-reader?

Yes! The Obsession Method program is 100% compatible with all common mobile phones, tablets, and e-readers.

The main e-book is available in PDF file format. This universal file format works on all types of mobile/tablet devices and desktop computers.

Additionally, all of the other program components (including the Audio Course upgrade, the bonus items, and the entire video series) are fully compatible with any mobile phone, tablet, or computer.

How do I UNSUBSCRIBE from your emails?

To unsubscribe from any automated emails, simply scroll to the bottom of any email message and look for the “unsubscribe” link. Click the link and choose which mailing lists you wish to be removed from. You will be immediately and permanently unsubscribed and will not receive any further automated emails.

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We cannot and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction with our training. We give you a 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee on the products we sell, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of our training, just ask for your money back. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.